AC 0056b, AS 9120 and TAC 2000
The AC 00-56 certification is a system that is strongly endorsed by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) for the accreditation of civil aircraft parts distributors on the basis of voluntary industry oversight and provides information that may be used for developing accreditation programs. The objective of AC 00-56 certification is to improve the ability of certificated persons to establish the eligibility of parts and products for installation on type-certificated products.
Quality Innovations has established a program in conjunction with the registrar the TNV Group to review your organization’s quality system in accordance to the AC 00-56 certification system. The following is a summary of the components of this quality system:
- Procedures that ensure parts are traceable to a prior source
- System for training personnel to ensure quality system is properly executed
- Administrative procedure which provide for the identification and qualification of all employees
- Procedure for segregation of incoming discrepant material
- Measuring equipment control
- Shelf-life control system
- System which assures technical data is maintained in an accessible manner
- Inspection stamp control
- Packaging control
- Environmental controls
- Procedure for assuring accountability
- Procedure for assuring accountability when approval tags or other traceable documents are duplicated
- Procedure for documenting redistribution of lots
- Procedures for maintaining documentation originally received from parts manufacturer
- Procedure for monitoring the effectiveness of the distributor’s quality system
- Recall control system
- System for notifying the accreditation organization prior to implementing any significant changes
- System for hazardous material control
Whenever you are ready to obtain your AC 00-56 Certification and take your business performance to the next level please contact us at or 330-334-6143, ask for Mike. We look forward to hearing from you!
Here is a list of acceptable certification schemes for achieving certification to the AC 0056b standard.

TAC 2000
As many of you may know, previously companies could get certified to the TAC 2000 standard by Transonic Aviation. Transonic is not longer providing this service and all certificates issued now or previously expired on January 24th 2025.
To learn more about the removal of Transonic, click below.
In order to meet the urgent demand for another option Quality Innovations has partnered with the TNV Group to provide an option to the TAC 2000 utilizing an accredited ISO 9001 certification along with conformance to the AC 00-56 standard. We were officially witnessed by the FAA in October to ensure compliance with the program and have certified many companies successfully. You may inquire with us for references.
We will provide consulting, all required documents and conduct internal audits to both standards.
The process is very efficient and cost effective. We will develop a system that meets ISO 9001, AC 0056b as well as compliant with the AS 9120 standard for Aerospace Distributors. This will prepare you in the case that you have customers who require this. We can also help you attain certification to AS 9120 if you have a need. Our process involves mostly remote communications and transfer of information in order to save your company hundreds of dollars in travel and consulting expenses. We will integrate our system with your current practices in order to minimize changes to your already effective process. We also can expedite the process in order to meet your customer requirements.
The TNV group will conduct a stage 1 and 2 audit in order to determine compliance. You will then be awarded an accredited ISO 9001 certificate and AC 0056b letter of conformance. This certificate can then be sent to the ASA in order to be listed on the approved contractor list.
More information about the ASA and the list.